Day 88 at the Casa, 100%

Oh oh. Here I am on Day 88 again in the very charming washroom of the Casa with a pretty cool Festival de Musique Émergente poster behind me. I’m having drinks with Benni E, his lady Keetha, and the cub after a 1 hour Dykes on Mykes special with Benni E where we played his music and influences. Jackie Gallant was there teching, it was pretty sweet, 100%

Day 82 and these pants must be working, 100%

Day 82 leaving a teaching workshop at Vanier College and a man in a silver car slows down as I’m walking down Decelles.
“Bonjour Madame,” he says.
“Hi?” I say back.
“Oh you speak English! May I ask you a question?” he says, not waiting for me to answer.
“Are you a single lady?”
“What? Why?”
“Because I am a lonely, single man and you look like you would be nice company.”
“I’m not. Keep driving, pal.”

Obviously these pants that my girlfriend made me buy are er, working. 100%