Day 79 in a taxi heading downtown to the public screening of our 48 hour film festival we made through ASM last weekend in a new shirt my Mom sent me, 100%
Day 78 ready for North Hatley, 100%
Day 77 and so meta, 85%
Day 77: okay, okay. I know this one comes close to crossing the line regarding the “no cartoons” rule, but my Mom sent me this t-shirt with a lady wearing a sequined leopard scarf and I thought it was pretty meta. You know- a cougar wearing a cougar within a year-long durational project… Right?! Thanks Mom:) 85%
Day 76 in David Lee Roth pants, 100%
Day 75 at the Radical Dyke March, 95%
Day 75 at the Radical Dyke March in a brand new dress that my Mom sent me. Here we are at Mont Royal and St. Denis after starting at Berri and St. Catherine and passing through the Village. I’m a but haggard here because a few of us stopped at The Drugstore for a quick drink because even though this was an anti-capitalist march (what dyke march in Montreal would be complete without a bevvie at The Drugstore), we managed to loose 600 or so dykes in 10 minutes! Anyway, we had to hoof it and caught up with them at Deluth and St. Denis, ending up at the after party at the Cabaret du Mile End which featured a fabulous show hosted by Guizo Lanuit. Miss Sugarpuss, BENNI E., and MEN were awesome. 95%
Day 74 with my new snakeskin iPad cover, 100%
Day 73 film festival editing, 100%
I edited our 48 hour film festival film in a multi-coloured top that I forgot that I had and found while frantically tidying up before my team arrived on Sunday morning. We made a gangster kind of film, I got 3 hours of sleep, and had a cameo where I get shot. I wore a long leopard print négligé dress for that, and I hesitate to use the word ‘négligé’ because that makes it sound like it’s underwear, or more precisely, ‘sexy underwear’ especially with the accents, but before you picture me prancing around in a ‘négligé’ smoking long cigarettes and seducing young men in this ultimate cougar attire, may I just say that it is floor length, and made out of polyester. Sexy.
Anyway, when I bought it, the woman at the store said that it would be perfect to wear “for lounging around the house,” which I was a bit put out by because why was she giving me instructions on how to wear something? Also the whole reason I bought it was to wear it as a dress with the intent of leaving the house, possibly as a night on the town type dress, maybe see a show in it or something and not just as something to wear while holing up in my apartment eating bonbons and drinking bourbon (there’s another outfit for that). I had actually talked myself into it as a dress while I was trying it on at the store, and here she was putting a pin in my this-is-a-négligé, I-can-totally-pull-it-off-as-a-dress logic. (Obviously I’m sensitive about this dress/négligé issue: perhaps this deserves further analysis at a later date.) However in this case, she was right: it was perfect to lounge around my apartment in, waiting for a guy to burst in and shoot me.
Our film is called, Don’t Name Your Pets, and featured Robert Higden, Patrick Charron, Sterling Mawhinney, and Roy Whybro. We were going for a high contrast black and white look, which I think compensated for not shooting in HD. What a fun weekend!
I also ended up wearing that dress from my birthday back in June, but without the DIY spanx for the screening which was on Sunday night, 48 hours after we started. 100% x 3 outfits!
Day 72, 48 hr film fest weekend, 95%
Day 71 at ASM, 100%
Oh what, you’ve seen this t-shirt and Aladdin pants before? Just put me on repeat. This is when the monotony of this project and the every day-ness kicks in. You know, when I’m not out doing photo shoots in a towel dress or swimming in a field in a bathing suit.
First hours of the 48 hour film fest at ASM. Here, randomly drawn teams make a 20 minute or less film by Sunday at 6:45pm. It’s so much fun- totally like joining an awesome cult for a weekend. Btw- Chip says he’s not sure he likes me in animal print as it reminds him of the 80’s. Thanks Chip- only 194 days more to go.