Day 276 and I’ve spent the day doing homework. I’ve just noticed that there is brown sauce from leftover poutine on the cougar face chin of this shirt. Luckily, I did not leave the house today, so only you and I will enjoy it, 95%
Day 274 on homework, 95%
Day 271 and this is my post-tirade face, 95%
Day 271 and this is my post-tirade face. Read this. I will contextualize how this relates to my day specifically when I have more time and am not preparing for a class that I teach the next day.
Day 269 in giraffes, 95%
Day 262 in the same outfit as yesterday doing different homework, 95%
Day 262 in the same outfit as yesterday doing different homework. Yes I’m going a bit squirrelly, no this is not radiation emitting from my head or computer, 95%
Day 261 in homework clothes, 95%
Day 254 filtered, 95%
Day 253 and it’s Saturday, 98%
Day 248 and I think I will stay in my pajamas, 98%
Day 248 and I think I will stay in my pajamas all day while doing homework if I can. These are pajamas that my Mom gave me for Xmas. They are black and white with hot pink trim, and satin. Fancy, right? 98%
Also, Estelle Rosen asked me about this project in “The Question” at the Charlebois Post, and my response went online today.